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​​Prevent Accidents and Suicides

Responsible and secure gun storage can help to prevent suicides and accidents resulting from guns. Gun locks can help to keep a gun stored securely. Gun locks are intended to discourage unauthorized persons (such as children, guests, contractors, and uninvited people) from accessing the gun.​

​Obtain a Free Gun Lock

Gun owners can obtain gun locks from the following locations:

Pick up information
​​African American Men of Unity
South River Street Park Suite H, Aurora
​To schedule a pickup, email ricky1rodgers@aamou.org or call 630-606-1910

​Algonquin Area Public Library 

​2600 Harnish Drive, Algonquin

​M-Th 9am - 9pm
F-Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 12pm ​- 5pm

​Algonquin Area Public Library ​

115 Eastgate Drive, Algonquin

​M-Th 10am - 8pm
F-Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 12pm - 5pm​

​Aurora Police Department
​1200 E. Indian Trail Rd., Aurora 
​Front desk hours: 24/7

​Aurora Public Library (Eola Road Branch)​

​233 S. Constitution Dr., Aurora 
M-Th 9am - 9pm
F-Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 1pm - 5pm
​Aurora Public Library (Santori)
​101 S. River St., Aurora
M-Th 9am - 9pm
F-Sat 9am - 5pm 
Sun 1pm - 5pm
​Aurora Public Library (West Branch)
​555 S. Eola Rd., Aurora
​M-Th 9am - 9pm
F-Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 1pm - 5pm
​Aurora University
​1405 Prairie St, Aurora, 
​Big Rock Library
48W447 Hinckley Rd, Big Rock
​Th 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 3pm
​Chicano Times
​Aurora-based delivery available, or pick up at various community events 
​To schedule delivery or pick up, email chicano.times1@gmail.com
​Fox River Valley Libraries
555 Barrington Ave, East Dundee​
M-Th 9am - 9pm
F-Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 1pm - 5pm​
​Kane County Health Department
1240 N. Highland Avenue, Aurora​
​M-F, 8:30am - 4:30pm
​Maple Park Public Library District
​302 Willow Street, Maple Park
​Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 1pm - 7pm
Wednesday 1pm - 7pm
Thursday 1pm - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm
​Montgomery Police Department
10 Civic Center Dr., Montgomery​
M-F 8am - 4:30pm
​Pingree Grove Police Department 
​One Police Plaza, Pingree Grove

M-F 7:30am - 2:30pm​

​START Program 
​550 2nd Ave., Aurora
​To schedule a pickup, email info@STARTprograms.org or call 312-838-5200

​St. Charles Public Library 

​1 S. 6th Avenue, St. Charles 

M-Th 9am - 9pm
F 9am - 8pm
Sat 9am - 5pm
Sun 12pm - 5pm

​Read and follow the instructions that come with the gun lock on how to use the lock the right way. View a video of how gun locks work from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety​.​

Gun retailers may also obtain gun locks to make available at no charge to customers purchasing firearms, and can request them from Kaitlin Soriano, Violence Prevention Coordinator at: sorianokaitlin@kanecountyil.gov​

Responsible and Secure Gun Storage Checklist

  • ​Ensure guns are unloaded before storing 
  • Store guns correctly locked in a lock box, gun safe, or with a trigger lock, or cable lock 
  • Store ammunition separately, safely, & securely
  • Secure keys for locking devices where unauthorized persons don't have access 
  • Store guns responsibly and securely at all times when not in use, even when transporting outside the home
  • Ensure unauthorized persons do not have access to stored guns no matter where the firearm is located at all times​​

​The locks, provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, are part of the "Together for a Safer Illinois" program. The initiative aims to prevent accidents, gun violence, theft, and suicide. Locks come with installation instructions and information about the national 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.​


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Firearm Restraining Order

A Firearm Restraining Order (FRO) gives a person in crisis time to heal. If you're concerned about the behavior of a loved one with a firearm, you can help. In Illinois, a FRO temporarily prevents a person who may be a danger to themselves or others from having a firearm. Learn more at: illinois.gov/PauseToHeal