
​Resources for ​Care Providers​

From law enforcement and EMT professionals to nurses, doctors, social workers, and everyone on the front lines working to prevent opioid deaths in Kane County, we want to support you with tools and resources to help. Working together, we can ensure equitable access to essential care without stigma.​​

Tips for Speaking with Patients

There are things professionals can do to better support the needs of their patients. Here are some tips for having real talks with patients.

  • Avoid using language​ that may cause people to react defensively.
  • Use clear explanations—avoid technical terms.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Listen actively and express empathy.​

Expanding Access to Naloxone

Dr. Steve Holtsford on Buprenorphine

First Responders

​Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services: Naloxone Information for First Responders​
SAMHSA: Guidance for Law Enforcement and First Responders Administering Naloxone
SAMHSA: Opioid Overdose Prevention Toolkit - Five Essential Steps for First Responders ​

Harm Reduction Professionals

CDC: Syringe Service Program Best Practices
National Harm Reduction Coalition: Guide to Developing and Managing Overdose Prevention and Take Home Naloxone Projects
​National Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center​

​Nurses, Pharmacists, and Physicians

CDC Opioid Prescribing Resources​