Early Head Start /Head Start program providing qualified education and support staff, training and screening, parent and child enrichment activities to boost academic development, safe and quality education, prevention initiative, home visiting for 0-3 to enhance parent/child interaction and better understand your child's developmental stages. For Parents: Family support services, parent engagement services, valuable resources and helpful community connections, parent and father engagement services, monthly parent meetings.
Family Focus will drive education and advocacy opportunities in the areas of Early Childhood, Youth Development, and Family Support, key program streams that we deliver in several communities. Advocacy will be directed toward issues that our community and participants face on a daily basis which include economic asset development, housing, health access and equity, public safety, immigrant supports, and overall racial equity.
In Elgin, Kids Above All offers the Parent Empowerment Program, a home visiting program utilizing Parents as Teachers curriculum
Free home-visiting and doula services for expecting, first and second time moms of any age and income. Supports include: Doula and Home Visitor support, parent education, developmental screenings, community resource connections, advocacy, food, and caregiver supports. We also offer free virtual prenatal classes. Link to sign up is on the www.vnahealth.com website. All are welcome.