Alianza is an ethnic community-based organization providing affordable immigration services to the underrepresented undocumented immigrants in Illinois. Our mission is to advocate, educate, and empower to strengthen the community.
A welcoming center that offers health care, behavioral health services, and external referrals for additional needs.
Empowering the Latino and immigrant community to integrate effectively.Access to food, healthcare, and other resources, Department of Justice accredited immigration counselors, and other immigrant support.
Community Care Program (In-home services), Adult Education Programs, ESL, Healthcare Bridge/ABE class, Citizenship Services, Case Management, Workforce Development. Social Services. Illinois Welcome Center
Our programs help women learn to read, write, and speak English, as well as helping immigrant women and men prepare to pass their naturalization test and become new U.S. citizens. All of us on staff and our hundreds of volunteers believe that empowering our immigrant brothers and sisters is an important venture. We invite you to join us in this venture.
Family Focus will drive education and advocacy opportunities in the areas of Early Childhood, Youth Development, and Family Support, key program streams that we deliver in several communities. Advocacy will be directed toward issues that our community and participants face on a daily basis which include economic asset development, housing, health access and equity, public safety, immigrant supports, and overall racial equity.
Community advocacy group focused on immigrant and refugee rights and LGBTQIA+ concerns.
Find mental health resources, legal rights, and more.
A welcoming center that offers a variety of medical care:
The YWCA Elgin offers free citizenship and Immigration services including: Application Assistance preparing for Naturalization (N400) and/or DACA renewals, application scholarships for those who qualify, citizenship classes/workshops and interviewing practice.